Blogging- I sucked at this in January. I can blame my life on most but I need to make it more of a priority to get better.
Devotions- I did okay with this but definitely room for major improvement.
Couponing/ Grocery Budget: I have worked the hardest this month on couponing and stockpiling. I am starting to buy things just to stockpile. I ended up spending over 11oo on groceries in January however this included a huge stockpile of can sodas and all the extra junk food for our super bowl party. I also have focused on making sure I identify when I spend money on grocery items.
Financially- January was a good month in this area. A major happening was the "modification" of our mortgage which reduced the interest rate to 5.99% or 4 % and reduced our payment by almost $300. We are on track for February to be an awesome month in this area with a plan to pay taxes from last year, and begin the David Rasmey "Money Makeover" with a Emergency fund in place!
Weight-I have lost 4lbs overall. I hope this gets better!
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