I honestly think that we are on the upside of being sick and things are slowly starting to get back to normal around here. But that brings to mind a question what is normal around here? Glad you asked here are the top ten things that I would consider "normal" for us....
1. Sunday Superbowl Party- We had some friends over last night to eat and watch the game. My BF and I even managed to Wii Fit during half time and the second half of the game.
2. Monday- I was scheduled to work both jobs today but ended up with a super long lunch break of 5 hours so Matt has gone to get the oil changed and something else with the car.
3.Zach is side stepping everywhere and has learned to turn off both the computer and printer. He thinks it is a game to reach toward the buttons
4. Lily cried at naptime today because she wanted to do more school work instead of taking a nap.
5. In the past hour I have answered the question "Is it time to get up at least 4 times."
6. We have at least 5 loads of laundry to do today in order for everyone to have clean clothes and towels.
7. The dishwasher has been run already once this morning with another load at least to be done before bedtime.
8. Kendall is sleeping in Haley's bed, or at least resting in Haley's bed because she like to mess with things in our room and or wake up Zach most day at nap time.
9. I have not given out any cold medicine all day long.
10. I am seriously considering a NAP!
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