Blogging: This post will make 13 for the month. This does not meet my goal but I wanted to put it in perspective. This is more than 7 of 12 months last year! I am starting to really enjoy blogging and not worried about what I say as much!
Goal: 15 per month
Devotions: I am declaring this a success for the month. Now I just have to stay on track! The most encouraging thing is that as I read the devotions a lot of the time, it is just what I need to hear. For example, today's was that God's timetable is perfect! During the month of February, I have needed this reminder often and again today it was just perfect.
Goal is 3 a week.
Groceries: This is an area that has seen major changes this month. First of which is I am going to a envelope system for at least part of our budget. This month I started with our Grocery Budget. The second major change is that we decided that our Dining budget need to be eliminated. If we chose to eat out the money will come from either the Grocery budget or "Slush" fund. I currently have $100 left out of $800 for our Grocery Budget this month!
Grocery Budget is set at $800 per month, this includes diapers, cleaning supplies, food and toiletries.
Financially: February has been a very unsettling month in this year. Due to some law changes and things at one point we expected Matt's unemployment to end. We know that sometime during the year, this will happen and he is working on opening his own business. But to face the posssibility at this point was very scary for us. God is Good! and his timetable is perfect! We have been faced with and leaning on this priniciple alot this month. So after much debate, we are still unsure how many weeks his unemployment will last but we have a better plan to deal with out finances afte that occurs! We did finally get Gutters on the house this month! We spent 400.00 on medical expenses including glasses for both girls and paid taxes for the year. As I mentioned in Groceries we are going to an envelope system for part of our budget. We have developed a "slush fund" this will be the place for all unplanned for aka not spent in the budget money. This fund should allow us to get extra gas if needed, buy clothing and or go out to eat if needed. Hopefully this will make some of the budgetting easier. No official debt was paid off in February but this should change with the new budget in March. Goal: To be Debt free except for mortgage by the end of the year.
Weight- I am most disappointed in this area. At one point this month, I have lost but re-gained 4 pounds so officially for the month, I lost nothing. I have been successfull at exercising 4 x a week, water intake and food intake are the problems.
Goal to exercise 3x a week and to be down to 150 by December by losing around 4 # a month.
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