Friday, September 30, 2011

September in Review

BLOGGING: I had 17 post in September, including this one! I am so excited that I have met a goal! Now to just keep it up for the next three months! Maybe this month I just had more to write about? I think I just made more time. Goal: 15 per month

Devotions: I am getting better, averaging 2 a week, same as last month but at least it is improving from one a week! Goal is 3 a week.

Couponing/Grocery Budgeting: This month we spent almost $1100 in groceries. I do have serious plans for this number to do down. Matt and I spent an entire Saturday cooking some freezer meal. So this should help reduce this significantly in October. We also need to eat alot out of the freezer in order to really be able to justify a large meat expense in November/December which is my plan. My plan is to reduce the budget to $500 or less for the month of October. If I go below this amount it will be set aside for meat in November. Our Grocery Budget is set at $800 per month, this includes diapers, cleaning supplies, food and toiletries.

: September was a hard month in this area for us. We had several unexpected expenses but the good news is that we were able to stay caught up on bills for the month. In addition, we paid off 2 small medical bills from earlier in the year! A huge step for us! I had a 3rd paycheck for the month which was a great help. I am going to try something different in the area of savings. I am planning to place $10 a check into savings. This way we are working on our Emergency fund, baby steps. We did spend over $300 in car repairs this month which would replace our car payment. Goals in this area: Emergency fund of $1000, car fund equal to a payment of $300 each month and by January- debt free except for mortgage.
-I exercised 4 days this month. Not much but a start.

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