Somehow the month of June is coming to an end and my youngest daughter turns 4 in 2 short hours WHAT? I must have missed something!
Blogging: This actually marks the 10th post for the
month. I really don't know where the time has gone but moving on. I already have 2 blogs in my head so maybe July will be the month I hit my goal. Matt is working on moving the blog to its own website, so more changes are definitely in store.
The Goal: 15 per month
Devotions: Goal met for the month of June! Yay Yay Yay!
Goal is 3 a week.
Groceries: We
spent $950 on groceries this month. This was a month that included stocking up on drinks, cereals as well as other staples such as sugar and flour. I did also purchase 3 bags of diapers which hopefully will be the end of buying diapers. Matt and I have discussed several times this month that couponing is not as money saving as it was just a year ago. I have needed to purchase several items that a year ago, I was able to stock pile for free. My stockpile is slowing growing again. We are going to challenge ourselves in the month of July to spend only on items that we need to significantly reduce this expense.
Grocery Budget is set at $800 per month, this includes diapers, cleaning
supplies, food and toiletries.
Financially: I am going to continue to use real numbers not for sympathy but to keep myself accountable. June was the first month that Matt had no income in. We did manage to stay somewhat on budget and everything is paid for! I am going to consider that goal met for the month. I have been unable to add to our emergency savings account or set aside additional monies for future expenses so we do have a ways to travel but so far God is GOOD!
Goal: To be Debt free except for
mortgage by the end of the year. This was established prior to our
learning of the significant financial changes that are occuring so I am
trusting God to provide direction in this area. Currently we are focused
on meeting budget each month!
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Goal to exercise 3x a week and to be down to
150 by December by losing around 4 # a month.
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