This has been a very difficult month for us in many areas, but we are continually reminded that God has a plan for us, so we press on.
Blogging: This actually marks the 11th post for the month. Not quite my goal but at least the number is going up! In addition during the next month, another goal is to move this blog over on its own site and convert to Word Press or something similar.
The Goal: 15 per month
Devotions: I am going to say a fail for this month. Things have been really busy and crazy but that is not an excuse. I would estimate that I have read a devotion 2x a week for this month. I know what I can do to improve this one!
Goal is 3 a week.
Groceries: We spent $600 on groceries this month. I had hope to significantly reduce this amount but I am happy to come in under budget for the month overall.
Grocery Budget is set at $800 per month, this includes diapers, cleaning
supplies, food and toiletries.
Financially:Hold on to your hats! According to our budget we are $200 short for the month. This represents money that was to be used in the future for Auto expenses and gifts. So in reality we survived and had to cut no major corners to achieve it! God is Awesome and an on time God
Goal: To be Debt free except for
mortgage by the end of the year. This was established prior to our learning of the significant financial changes that are occuring so I am trusting God to provide direction in this area. Currently we are focused on meeting budget each month!
Weight- UGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I don't even want to consider what is going on.
Goal to exercise 3x a week and to be down to
150 by December by losing around 4 # a month.
This is the second month that I have used real numbers in regards to Finances, the purpose to encourage ourselves as well as others!
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